Mission to the Moon
Mission to the Moon
Our story in #GLXPMoonShot! The new series from JJ Abrams & Oscar-nominated director Orlando von Einsiedel
Sergei Dobrianski
Alex Dobrianski
Alex Ivanov
Plan B is developing a pulsar navigation system that can help determine positions of objects on Earth, on orbit, or during planetary exploration.
We are working on the technological step required to miniaturize a pulsar receiver.
Queue operating system is used for central control. The OS is very lean sitting at 4 kilobytes of memory.
This proprietary software can be customized to serve multiple microcontrolling needs.
With hardware and software expertise Plan B developed a communication system to service their satellite, groundstations, rover, and spacecraft.
This is a crucial piece of technology due to be utilized on Plan B's pico satellite.
We are looking for Sponsors and Partners
We are looking for Sponsors and Partners