Team Plan B | Google Lunar XPRIZE

Team Plan B

Mission to the Moon


Team Plan B

Mission to the Moon

Our story in #GLXPMoonShot! The new series from JJ Abrams & Oscar-nominated director Orlando von Einsiedel

At NASDAQ Leadership series with Team Plan B Advisors Bryant McGill and Jenni Young, featured on the MarketSite Tower, in New York City Times Square

Team Vision - 3D printing with Lunar dust


our Mission

our Mission


Our mission is to deliver a rover to the Lunar surface, travel 500 meters, then stream high definition video back to Earth. Plan B, the only Canadian entry, is set on successfully delivering a payload to the Moon. A feat previously achieved by governments and large multinational corporations.

Prior to entering the Google Lunar XPRIZE, Plan B spent 2010 investigating different approaches to successfully landing a rover on the Lunar surface. Since officially entering the competition in 2011, this dedicated as well as talented team, has logged more than 22,000 hours of research and development into this objective.

Our strategy is to operate with as much off-the-shelf technology as possible to successfully deliver and operate our rover on the Moon for an economical price. Unfortunately money doesn't grow on trees (we are still working on the tree and will be handing out seedlings as soon as we see some success) so we are reaching out to the public for support.

You're wondering why? Our ticket to the stars is going to be built and fuelled on the Lunar surface. Team Plan B has developed a candidate procedure for the first use of 3D printing using site-available Lunar surface rock and dust, called regolith. This method negates prohibitively expensive payload costs by allowing on-site rapid manufacturing of metallurgy, parts and components, fuel composition and whatever the human mind can conceive.


Our Core

Our Core

Prior to entering the Google Lunar XPRIZE, team Plan B, spent a year investigating technologies to see if it's possible to successfully land a rover on the Moon. Since entering the competition in 2011, Team Plan B has logged 22,000 hours equating to $2.1 million and has been supported by 39 volunteers.

We have looked at numerous sophisticated approaches in sending a payload to the Moon. Take a peak at our technical website for a better grasp of our technologies, approach and team - ADOBRI SOLUTIONS LTD


Sergei Dobrianski

Sergei Dobrianski

Sergei Dobrianski - A programmer that doesn't take, "It can't be done" as a reasonable excuse for anything. Actually it's usually when he's told this that he figures out how it's going to be done, even if he has to teach himself rocket science to pull it off.

Alex Dobrianski - A mathematician, intensity and focus don't do this man justice. If there is something he's going to do he's already calculated how to do it before the next guy realizes it can be done.

Notable achievement - Wrote the emulator for the mainframe IBM 360 EC-1032 (cert. 38) for the Mazhaisky Space Academy.

Alex Dobrianski

Alex Dobrianski

Alex Ivanov

Alex Ivanov

Alex Ivanov - A physicist paired with a mathematician? The reason our success is inevitable? Our mathematician and physicist get along... The boundaries of time and reality are already bent in our favor.

Alex holds a Ph.D in Physics. He is also a business owner and entrepreneur.


Support Us

Support Us

For all supporters of space exploration and for all the allies of our team, we offer you Team Plan B Lunaro coins produced by 3D printing technology. The proceeds will go towards Team Plan B's project in the Google Lunar XPRIZE. Each Lunaro sold will bring us a step closer to reaching our target in the Google Lunar XPRIZE.

Our team has created an app as an offering in exchange for your support. For the price of a coffee you can access the latest images from the International Space Station and view the World in the palm of your hand.


Our Technologies

Our Technologies

Pulsar nav.

Earth, Orbit, Planetary

Plan B is developing a pulsar navigation system that can help determine positions of objects on Earth, on orbit, or during planetary exploration.

We are working on the technological step required to miniaturize a pulsar receiver.

Queue OS

Queue Operating System

Queue operating system is used for central control. The OS is very lean sitting at 4 kilobytes of memory.

This proprietary software can be customized to serve multiple microcontrolling needs.

comm. system

Inhouse comm. system

With hardware and software expertise Plan B developed a communication system to service their satellite, groundstations, rover, and spacecraft.

This is a crucial piece of technology due to be utilized on Plan B's pico satellite.


Contact Us

We are looking for Sponsors and Partners

Contact Us

We are looking for Sponsors and Partners